Secret Invasion is based on the popular comic book storyline of the same name, which revolves around a shape-shifting alien race known as the Skrulls who infiltrate Earth by impersonating humans. The trailer opens with a shot of Samuel L. Jackson's character Nick Fury, who is now working with Talos (Ben Mendelsohn), a Skrull who first appeared in Captain Marvel. The two are discussing how the Skrulls have been living among humans undetected, and Fury states that they need to find out who else might be a Skrull.
The trailer then cuts to scenes of various characters, including Emilia Clarke's mysterious new character, who has not yet been revealed. We also see glimpses of other characters, such as Olivia Colman, who is rumored to be playing a key role in the movie. The trailer is action-packed, with explosions and fight scenes, and it teases at the high stakes of the movie's plot.
One of the most exciting aspects of the trailer is the return of some beloved characters from previous MCU movies. The trailer shows glimpses of both Ben Kingsley's Trevor Slattery from Iron Man 3 and Don Cheadle's James Rhodes, who is also known as War Machine. It's unclear how these characters fit into the movie's storyline, but it's exciting to see them back on screen.
The trailer also gives us a glimpse of some of the new characters that will be introduced in the movie. Emilia Clarke's character is particularly intriguing, as she is shown in several shots but remains a mystery. The trailer also hints at the possibility of new superheroes being introduced, which is sure to excite fans of the franchise.
Overall, the Secret Invasion trailer promises an action-packed, high-stakes movie that will introduce new characters and bring back some beloved favorites from previous movies. The Skrulls are a fascinating and complex alien race, and their ability to shape-shift adds an exciting new element to the MCU. With its star-studded cast and explosive action sequences, Secret Invasion is sure to be one of the most anticipated movies of the year. Fans will have to wait a bit longer to see the movie in theaters, but the trailer has certainly whetted their appetite for what's to come.